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Calyx Liddick

     Calyx is a bioregional herbalist, ethnobotanist, holistic nutritionist, wildcrafter, writer of poetry and prose, wildlife tracker, and mother of two. She was born and raised in the mountains of Central Pennsylvania.

     She is an outspoken advocate for accessible education, social and ecological justice, and ethical practice in plant work. As an educator in bioregional herbalism, Calyx is passionate about bridging the gap of perception between the personal body and the ecological body, and illuminating the wisdom of place and the potential of the direct reciprocation of health and wellbeing present in ecological stewardship. She is committed to integrating plantwork as a life way, helping others develop a rooted relationship with the land and its more-than-human community, and healing the damage from extractive and hierarchical relationships between people and plants. In her practice, she integrates the long, rich history of traditional herbalism with modern, scientifically sound research. 
     Calyx graduated with honors from the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism’s Fundamental and Advanced Medical Herbalism intensives, and completed the Clinical Program for Herbalism, Nutrition, and Flower Essence Therapy. She also holds certifications in Holistic Aromatherapy and Reiki. She has over 2,000 hours of training and over a decade of experience in her field.

     Calyx currently works one on one with clients through her practice at the Northern Appalachia Clinic.
Certified Clinical Herbalist 
Certified Nutritionist
Tracker Certification North American Level II Track & Sign

Certified Bach Flower Essence Practitioner
Certified Aromatherapist through the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy


Jaybird Tignor

     Jaybird is a naturalist, certified permaculture designer, tracker, wilderness first responder, ecological steward, wild tender, craftsman, furniture maker, and photographer. He spends his days making, experimenting, teaching, mentoring, and living close to the earth within it’s natural cycles. 


     Born and raised in the woods of Maryland’s Eastern Shore, he spent his childhood exploring the wonders of the forest and on the water, shooting archery, and building with his father. The foundation of his knowledge and inspiration came from his father, who was brought up trapping, hunting, and gathering in southern Appalachia, and by his Mamaw and Papaw, who routinely walked out the door and returned with a wild salad. He’s taken that knowledge to heart and expanded upon it through his studies in botany, ecological stewardship, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, and earth skills. 


     By living close to nature, he believes we can reclaim our natural place in the ecosystem, tending the earth in a manner that strengthens biodiversity and creates a truly regenerative and sustainable future for all life forms. 


Certified Permaculture Designer

Certified Wilderness First Responder

Certified Tracker through Cybertracker Conservation, an international organization devoted to documenting and certifying the wildlife tracking skills of local experts

Pennsylvania Master Naturalist

Woodland Steward Alumni of Horn Farm Center


Jonathan Darby

     Jonathan has been foraging for over 15 years, leading classes for the past ten, and was raised in the back alleys of Red Lion and on the banks of the Susquehanna. Jonathan is the owner/operator of the Wallicks Farm Project, Riverbend Foraging, and co-owner of Riverbend Comics. Jonathan is a farmer, wild foods enthusiast, and educator. He is a certified permaculture designer and teacher and serves on the Board of Directors for the Horn Farm Center for Agricultural Education. He lives in York with his wife, Erin, their two children, and four cats.



Eryn Shrader

     Eryn is a licensed Registered Nurse, a board certified holistic nurse, a community herbalist (Northern Appalachia School, School of Evolutionary Herbalism, Rowan & Sage, and more!), a 200hr Yoga Teacher (Create Karma), Spiritual Director (Oasis Ministries), Master Level Reiki Teacher (Reiki Blessings Academy), Novice Monk with the Gnostic Celtic Church, Druid Apprentice with the Ancient Order of Druids in America, and Ovate with the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids. 


     Eryn has sought all of this education in response to the desire to bring balance and healing to a world that is overflowing with beauty, and groaning in pain.  She spends most of her time in the role of tending; tending her home and family, the land where she lives (lovingly called The Sacred Grove), and the larger web of community we are all woven into. Eryn tends the larger community through her herbalism and spiritual direction practice, with her blog and podcast, by being a mentor  to other Druids within the Ancient Order of Druids in America, and by cultivating peace and vitality within her own life. 


You can find out more about Eryn and her work at

Located in South Central Pennsylvania
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