Field Botany Intensive
The Field Botany Intensive is designed to provide an introduction to foraging, positive plant identification, basic ecology, and ethical theory and practice.
We will meet over the course of two weekends for a total of 22 hours.
Topics Include:
Plant Identification
Morphology & Terminology
Plant Families & Taxonomy
Physiology of Vascular Plants
Ethics & Regenerative Foraging
Safety & Legality
Botanical Observation
Organoleptics (Sensory Identification)
Kincentrism & Plant Relationships
The place where it all begins...
In this class you will learn the basic skills needed to identify local plant allies and gain a deeper understanding of the reciprocal ties between those plants, ourselves, and the land.
There will be a special focus on medicinal plants and herbalism, however this program is appropriate for anyone who wants to learn to connect and observe their natural surrounding and gain the skills needed to identify plants.
Place-based herbalism starts here.
We will walk you thought a serious of exercises to will hone these skills, such as:
Keying with a Field Guide
Flower Dissection
Sensory Awareness
Field Sketching
Learning Outcomes:​
Positively identify common vascular plants & trees

Know how to keep yourself safe while foraging and recognize toxic plants
Develop a working knowledge of botanical terminology and taxonomy
Recognize basic morphological features of leaves, flowers, fruits, roots, wood/bark, and trichomes/thorns/spines, etc.

Know how to forage ethically in a way that creates a positive impact on the ecosystem

Understand multiple ways of obtaining information about a plant
Build and strengthen relationships with all the community members of your local ecology

Field Botany 2021
Saturdays & Sundays
September 11th, 12th, 25th & 26th
Classes will take place within ~30 mins of Dillsburg
This course is included in the Foundations of Bioregional Herbalism program and is also open to the public.
Tuition: $450
$325 for students enrolled in Foundations of Vitalist Herbalism & alumni
Included in the Foundations of Bioregional Herbalism program
Contact us for information on scholarship opportunities.
Registration closed